MArteLabel EXPORT aims at creating a business model for Italian music productions in the international marketplace.

Cross the frontier 
This project has been designed for artists, bands and producers which have international ambitions.

Current situation

The Italian marketplace is mainly focused on melodious songs in Italian language. Other forms of composition and writing are considered niche music. However, the artistic offer in each region of the Boot is extremely active and vibrant. A great deal of artists offer in Italy offer performances which meet and exceed demand of the best foreign stages.

Cross the frontier has been designed in order to break the geographical, cultural and language barriers which, to date, have prevented Italìan musicians from meeting audiences of the best live clubs and festivals around the world.

How do we overcome these challenges? 

Exporting live music implies creating an interest from the local audience, i.e. building a fan base through a coherent concert agenda and an appropriate set of communication channels.

To do so, MArteLabel International introduces Cross the frontier, a professional service of band management. A long list of partners and contacts, in Europe and beyond, allows us to ensure the mobility of ambitious and talented Italian bands. 

Studying the project and writing press kit

The first step for an effective promotion in foreign markets is the study of the project in relationship with the target market and the implementation of promotion toolkit. Among others, our staff offers translations to English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, of any text related to the artist, from press realease to bio, subtitles and voice-over.

Promotion campaign on the main media

Thanks to a thorough database managed by MArtePress (, we take care of relationship with journalists and promoters from diverse vountries. We make sure that the information related to artists reach the most influential music reviewers and critics outside Italy.

Follow-up, recall, public relationship outside Italy

The contacts which we activate are followed-up and developed through recall. This tool is fundamental for an effective promotion campaign and increases the probability that a virtuous circle of media interest is initiated around the project. The MArtePress staff is the reference point that makes sure that any useful contact is properly managed in order to ensure an optimal development of the artistic activity abroad.

Fundraising for tours abroad 

With the support of MArtefunding, we ignite crowdfunding campaigns, with the objective of building sustainable live activity and promotion, whatever the level of development of the band. When managed properly, crowdfunding campaigns are an invaluable asset for community management, well beyond the mere financial objective. However we rely on experienced professionals, which successfully ran campaigns from 17.000€ to 850.000€.  

Booking support for international festivals

World-class festivals are increasingly shaping the global musical landscape, with a steady growth over the last ten years (Sziget festival, Glastonbury, Primavera Sound, Sonar, Soundwave...). MArteLabel International offers tools for an effective presentation of the musical project to the artistic directors of the best international festivals, which are also open to emerging talents.

Detailed reporting to the artist

The Cross the frontier offer is an effective tool for testing a musical project in international settings. Thanks to a detailed report, showing the client the activities and results of MArteLabel International in terms of presentation, promotion, recall, PR, we obtain feedback from each zone, showing strengths and weaknesses of the project in the international market.

Our EXPORT experience

In the past five years, MArteLabel has dealt with tours of the following musicians in Europe, the USA and South America:

2010 - This Harmony - London tour - 5 concerts in London
2010 - Nobraino tour in Spain with the participation at the Vic in Barcelona
2010 - Petramante - Buenos Aires - Argentina
2011- Underdog - Germania
2011 - Management del Dolore Post-Operatorio - Popkomm of Berlin 
2012 - UNA - Hitweek Festival - Miami (USA)
2012 - Management del Dolore Post-Operatorio - Sziget Festival
2013 - UNA - European Tour - Paris, Berlin, Brussels
2013 - Sziget Festival - Guest: Underdog, UNA, Dellera
2013 - Giacomo Toni - Hit week Festival - Miami
2014 - UNA - European Tour - Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Luxembourg
2015 - Anudo - Berlin, Frankfort, Monaco, Praga (Germany and Czech Republic)
2015 - Anudo – Balaton Sound Festival
2015 - Sziget Festival - Moustache Prawn, UNA
2016 - MOUSTACHE PRAWN SXSW - Palm Door on Sabine e International Day Stage
2016 - MOUSTACHE PRAWN - Japan Tour (Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, Yasu, Kobe, Kawasaki)
2016 - ANUDO - Europe Tour (Basilea- Valencia- Parigi)
2016 - AINE' - U.S. Tour ( Boston - Miami with Max Gazzè)

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